Technological innovation and modernization of the research center of the Nanoprogress cluster

Provider: MPO

The goal of the project is the technological innovation and modernization of the existing research center of the Nanoprogress cluster through the acquisition of new equipment and the innovation of existing equipment. The project should expand the existing technological base of the Liberec establishment and improve the world's unique technology of nanofiber preparation (AC electrospinning).

The project is focused on expanding the technological base of the Nanoprogress cluster, through the delivery of new functional devices. Delivered devices should increase the application of nanofibrous structures, e.g. for the filtration purposes, biomedical applications, polymer nanofibers applications, applications in wastewater treatment, catalysis, biomedicine, and as well for expansion of their using in the assortment of multi-layer textiles and enable the improvement of standard products by adding a nanofibrous layer to create a composite nanofibrous structure with added practical value. The newly acquired establishment will allow cluster members access to key technologies and, in addition to the possibility of expanding the product portfolio of industrial members, will allow the expansion of the knowledge base in the research, design, construction and improvement of existing technology and their parts.