Board of Directors
JUDr. Miloslav Drbálek

JUDr. Miloslav Drbálek, lawyer, member of the board of directors, is in charge of the cluster in particular the preparation of contractual documentation and the preparation of public contracts. It also deals with the announcement and management of tenders, including communication with participants and concluding a contractual relationship with the final bidder. He also creates written opinions on SME inspections and is in charge of more complex legal matters.
Ing. Luboš Komárek, MSc.

Ing. Luboš Komárek, MSc. studied Mechanical Engineering at VUT in Brno and Business Economics and Competition at INDEG Business School in Lisbon. He has both professional skills and work experience gained in the country and during his eight-year stay abroad. In the Nanoprogress cluster, he is responsible for the strategic management of the cluster, the establishment of strategic cooperation, the protection of intellectual property, periodic checking of planned activities and outputs according to the implementation plan, and industry consultation. He is also responsible for the presentation of the cluster at selected events, supervision of the preparation of processes of cluster excellence, cluster development and internationalization, patent and cluster policy, and supervision of the cluster's business activities.
Mgr. Martin Šlais, Ph.D.

Mgr. Martin Šlais, Ph.D., head of research and development, received a master's degree in Ecology and Limnology at the Faculty of Biology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and a doctoral degree in Veterinary Toxicology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Veterinary and Pharmacy in Brno. He has significant experience in leading teams of specialists in the field of research and development of medicines and biomedical innovative technologies. He is the author of more than 80 studies in the field of preclinical toxicology. His main activities include management of professional projects and professional teams focused on specialized research into functionalized nanofibrous structures.
Cluster Management
Ing. Tomáš Janoušek

Ing. Tomáš Janoušek, head of laboratories and research and development worker, graduated with a master's degree with a focus on nanotechnology, nanomaterials and biotechnology in the field of wastewater treatment. Within the cluster, he is in charge of the management of establishments, laboratories and the implementation and coordination of research and development work within the framework of projects of research, development and application of nanostructures.
Ing. Lucie Ligasová, Ph.D.

Ing. Lucie Ligasová, Ph.D. has a doctoral degree in the field of nanotechnology and many years of experience in the field. In the cluster, she mainly deals with the management of project managers, the establishment and management of specific cooperation, professional consultation with the management team, communication with key domestic and foreign partners of the cluster and representation of the cluster, non-project activities (NCA, CEDEG, ETIK, VVI LB region council, etc. ), marketing promotion and PR cluster.
Ing. et Ing. Anna Marytová

Ing et Ing. Anna Marytová, manager of the cluster for financial management, has a university degree in business economics and management and also in business and law with a focus on taxes in business. In the cluster, he mainly deals with the financial management of projects, management of project managers and own projects, establishment and management of specific cooperation, communication with cluster partners and representation of the cluster abroad, internationalization of the cluster and its members abroad and selection of new specific markets, representation at foreign missions, cluster personnel management, marketing promotion and cluster PR.
Ing. Martin Šrámek

Ing. Martin Šrámek has extensive experience in financial management of companies, in negotiations with banking institutions, factoring companies, and other financial institutions. The main workload in the cluster includes financial management and controlling, especially financial supervision over the implementation of individual cluster projects and their connection to the cluster as a whole.
Team Members
Ing. Vojtěch Černík

Ing. Vojtěch Černík has many years of experience in managing and coordinating projects, managing processes and evaluating project economics. His other competences also include financial management and coordination of company operations. Mr. Černík, among other things, successfully passed the tax advisor exams and is in charge of the cluster's accounting.
Ing. Jana Černíková

Ing. Jana Černíková, the cluster's payroll accountant, has many years of experience in the preparation and processing of wages and documents related to payroll deductions.
Mgr. Jan Frýdl

Mgr. Jan Frýdl is in charge of the implementation of legal matters and preparation of contractual documentation for the needs of the cluster. As part of the cluster organization development project, he is mainly involved in managing the administration and preparing the project application.
Bc. Vojtěch Galáč

Bc. Vojtěch Galáč, head of laboratory staff, scientific researcher has many years of experience and practice in the laboratory for the production and application of nanofibrous structures. Among his main work activities are management and coordination of laboratory work, preparation of samples and completion of project reports
Ing. Karel Havlíček, Ph.D.

Karel Havlíček, project and product manager, graduated from the Technical University in Liberec with a focus on nano- and biotechnology. He has much experience preparing and managing research projects and implementing scientific research works. His other areas of expertise include laboratory auditing, quality control, communication with the professional public, establishing contacts between companies and academia, and PR activities. He is a member of the Council for Research, Development, and Innovation of the Liberec Region (RVVI LK) and an expert CzWA (The Czech Water Association) member. Within the cluster, he mainly deals with the preparation, management, coordination, and solution of research projects and is responsible for product management.
Kamila Janečková

Kamila Janečková, Office Manager, has many years of experience as Executive/Personal Assistant to CEO´s, Contract Department Specialist and PR specialist in international companies and Family Offices. Her professional scope includes Office management, Cluster Charmain´s agenda support and PR & communication activities.
Bc. Zora Krykorková

Bc. Zora Krykorková, laboratory technician, research and development worker, carries out research and development work in the laboratory according to the instructions and requirements of the manager.
Ing. Kateřina Lajblová

Ing. Kateřina Lajblová, project manager, is in charge of managing the cluster's educational projects, including the financial aspect.
Iva Liznerová

Iva Liznerová has many years of experience in administrative support and agenda management and secretariat management. Her main work activities include keeping operational records, preparing documents for meetings, managing operational correspondence, directories, statistics, member databases, document archiving.
Ing. Jiří Mikeš, MBA

Ing. Jiří Mikeš, MBA, project manager has a university degree and many years of experience in the preparation and implementation of research and development and highly innovative projects. In the cluster, he is mainly responsible for the management and implementation of research and development projects.
Cluster headquarters
Nová 306, Pardubice-Polabiny, 530 09, Česká republika
Liberec laboratory
Bendlova 1409/7, 460 01 Liberec, Česká republika
Laboratory in Jeřmanice
Liščí 234, Jeřmanice 463 12, Česká republika
Office in Prague
Zelený pruh 95, Praha 4 - Braník, 140 00, Česká republika
Achievements & Awards
The "Nanoprogres" project was chosen as the project of the year in the Cooperation of companies - clusters category, and became one of the most successful national projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The award was given by the CzechInvest agency together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Together with its international partners (Packbridge, Plastiwin, InovCluster, BalticNet-PlasmaTec, Packaging Cluster), Nanoprogress leads the European strategic cluster partnership "AdPack" in the emerging field of intelligent packaging.
Ad-Pack EEIG – European Economic Interest Grouping of 6 European cluster organisations that has a direct reach towards more than 1215 entities from which 984 are companies and 117 are innovation and other actors. The goal is boosting the innovation and competitivity of the EU stakeholders.
The cluster gained a gold medal for cluster excellence. By winning this award, Nanoprogress is included among the European cluster elite.
The cluster was awarded by the title of Golden Cluster 2016 for the most dynamic cluster of 2016. In the evaluation of cluster organizations conducted by FaME and NCA in 2012 and 2016, Nanoprogress moved from 27th to 3rd place in the ranking of performance.