As of February 13, 2025, Nanoprogress has 39 partners.
Aqua Valley Cluster is a cluster organization based in France. The cluster brings together entities (mainly companies and laboratories) that deal with water treatment (treatment of drinking, waste and industrial water, during desalination, water in swimming pools, etc.) mainly with the use of membrane and sensor technology. The cluster's strategy is based on three pillars: research and development, innovation and education. The goal is primarily to support the development of its members and strengthen mutual cooperation. For this purpose, it organizes workshops, training programs, conferences, etc.
Aragon Innovalimen is a cluster organization based in Spain. The goal of this cluster organization is to facilitate innovation through branding and collaboration across the food value chain, supporting member visibility and growth. Aragon Innovalimen works to find new R&D solutions to gain value for industry and address the global nutrition challenge.
The CATALAN WATER PARTNERSHIP (CWP) is the Catalan Cluster of the sustainable use of water, located in the North East of Spain. The CWP was launched in 2008 as a business-oriented non-profit strategic association, which mission is to improve the competitiveness of its members. The CWP involves consultancies, research centres, equipment manufacturers and other entities involved in the water cycle and in the solutions for the sustainable use of water. The CWP is recognized by the European Cluster Management Excellence with the Gold label. The CWP promotes projects and multilevel collaborations to develop innovative & sustainable solutions to global water needs. The CWP works with an innovative approach and an international vision, continuously looking for establishing strategic alliances with companies and centres of knowledge from any part of the world, in order to identify opportunities that bring us together to a worldwide advanced position in the global market.
Solartys is a non-profit organization and works alongside the entire solar energy value chain, manufacturers and distributors of materials and components, engineering, installers and promoters of solar energy projects. We bring together all the relevant agents in the sector and together we join efforts to make the energy transition a reality. At Solartys, Solar Energy Cluster, we have been working since 2009 with the conviction that a more sustainable future is possible, fighting for the new generations so they can find a better world than the one we have now. We are convinced that technology and sustainability have to go hand to hand. The time to act is now.
The Association of Czech nanotechnology industry especially focuses on supporting and representing the business, research and educational interests of Czech companies and research institutions in the field of nanotechnology in both the Czech Republic and at a European level. It also seeks to strengthen cooperation between private and research institutes. Under the slogan “Czech is nano” it organizes “Nanodays” events in the Czech regions and abroad which serve to promote the activities and products of Czech nano companies to the wider public.
Since 2017, Greentech Clust-ER aims at supporting companies, universities, research and education centers, to collaborate together with policy maker and other stakeholders in order to achieve a more sustainable society. Greentech Clust-ER focuses its action on two Value Chains of research and innovation: Low Carbon Economy to foster the transition of the economy towards a higher environmental sustainability, reducing the dependence on fossil sources. Environmental Sustainability and Ecosystem Services to improve the management of degraded and/or vulnerable ecosystems and the environmental control in all its compartments (air, water, soil) through the development of remediation and mitigation technologies with a circular approach.
It is an international cluster organization based in Germany. Within the cluster, there is cooperation between the private sector and the science and research sector in the field of plasma technology. The aim of the cluster is mainly to create new jobs by spreading knowledge about plasma technology in academia, industry, among small and medium-sized enterprises, public facilities and individuals. Furthermore, the cluster strives for new business opportunities and the intensification of joint marketing and R&D activities.
CE Digital & Enviro Grouping (CEDEG) is a research, business and networking grouping that operates predominantly within the Central European area. Through its activities, the organization fulfils the nature of a non-profit organization, a transnational cluster grouping (metacluster). The metacluster is dedicated to research, development, dissemination and monetization of activities in two important topics of contemporary global society - the field of digitalization and environmentally advanced technologies.
CLEAN is a Danish cluster organization that deals with projects in the field of cleaning and ecological solutions. Danish exports are very strong, but there is potential to increase the international share of Danish companies based on increased collaboration and so-called "solution-based selling", where companies in consortia provide solutions rather than individual components. CLEAN develops projects in the field of cleanliness, including energy efficiency, waste, water, green buildings, etc. CLEAN manages the process from the conceptual phase of the project until it is developed with concrete solutions and then handed over to partners for contract signing.
Cluster MECHATRONIKA, z.s. (KM) forms a functional platform for the cooperation of companies, research and educational institutions in the field of mechatronics and related fields. Thanks to our wide network of contacts in the Czech Republic and abroad, we open up new opportunities for Czech companies for their growth and development. The cluster groups companies based on their competencies. Our activities support innovation in industry and the direct transfer of knowledge and technology from research
organizations to business entities.
Cluster of Czech furniture makers, družstvo (CCFM) is a group of regionally connected companies operating in the furniture and interior design industry, specialized consulting companies and tertiary education institutions, which was founded in July 2006. Since December 2019, it has been awarded the European Cluster Excellence Silver Label (ECEI Silver Label). Today, its 48 members actively collaborate on joint projects and focus on export, development, innovation and education.
CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s. (CREA) is a cluster operating in the field of technologies for water management works, water and waste management and renewable energy sources. Cluster members together participate in research, the development and innovation of products, the promotion of the latest know-how, or presentations within the international framework cooperation.
CzechBio is the Czech cluster organization, which brings together leading academic institutions, major professional companies and small and medium enterprises in the field of biotechnology for their synergy. The aim of the cooperation is application of biotechnology knowledge to increase competitiveness and innovative potential of members of clusters and implementation of innovative projects in the area of technical infrastructure. The cluster’s mission considers support of commercial activities of biotechnology organizations and strengthening communication and cooperation between key biotechnology actors in the Czech Republic.
CZECHIMPLANT, z.s. (CI) is a cluster organization whose basic strategy is to support the development of the important medical field of implantology and other innovative fields. Another intention of the cluster is the improvement and expansion of its services to members, continued support of access to the innovation system and in the area of identification and support for market opportunities, more intensive promotion and visibility of the cluster at domestic and foreign professional events and congresses, support for the preparation of domestic R&D projects, further deepening of cooperation and knowledge sharing between cluster members and development of international cooperation.
The Food-processing Initiative is a German cluster organization whose mission is to facilitate access to knowledge, partners, solutions and markets and thereby strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium-sized food enterprises. The main goals of this organization are to facilitate innovation and new technologies in the food industry, to create strategic alliances and cooperation, and to establish international networks. This cluster organization promotes communication, provides information, facilitates contacts across food chains and stakeholders, initiates and supports all forms of joint work and innovation projects, both nationally and internationally. The aim is primarily to identify areas of innovation together with the food industry and research, create and moderate expert networks, facilitate technology transfer (B2B and B2S) and moderate collaboration on best practices.
Founded according to a federal model, the France Water Team association is administered and led by members of the three founding clusters, distributed fairly and according to their specialty. The main activity of France Water Team revolves around five main target markets of the water sector and responds to the many challenges of development and innovation.The competitiveness cluster’s strategy is focused on increasing the supply and innovation (services, technologies, integrated solutions), in the five markets identified as being the most promising for the water sector: Water in the city and rural areas, Water in agriculture, Water in industry, Water in well-being, leisure and health, Water in natural environments.
Hi-Tech Innovation Cluster is a Czech cluster organization working especially with subjects from the Pardubice and Hradec Králové regions. Members and cluster partners particularly refer to SMEs and academic institutions. Its aim is to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the economic activities of its members by providing innovative knowledge in the form of advisory and consultancy services in the fields of finance, business economics, accounting, tax, project preparation and management, insurance, telecommunications, etc.
Inovcluster is another cluster partner organization based in central Portugal. An extensive member of the cluster and partner base includes 128 enterprises, 17 associations, 8 separate administrative units, 8 institutions in research and technological development (RTD) and 7 educational institutions in the agro-industrial sector. They provide members with consultancy and advisory services in the field of identifying technology needs, financing and promotion of mutual cooperation inside the cluster while also organize workshops, seminars and lectures. They also support projects especially in the field of RTD and internationalization of its members.
This research center is part of the Technical University in Liberec. Its activities can be divided into two research programs. The first one deals with material research processing and use of new, advanced materials, with emphasis placed primarily on nanomaterials. The second research program focuses on competitive engineering mainly involving mechatronic systems and power units. The latest technology is used for these purposes. The center ensures that research outcomes reveal high application potential and could be applicable in commercial practice.
This research organization belongs to the Academy of Sciences. It deals with basic biomedical research, having been presented with numerous awards at an international level. Its activities focus on the following areas: cell biology and pathology, neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuropathology, developmental toxicology and teratology, molecular epidemiology, molecular pharmacology, immunopharmacology, cancer research, molecular embryology, stem cells and tissue replacements. The Institute belongs among the excellent
European institution in neuroscience, joined together in EU the project NET – ENI.
Mazovia Cluster ICT is the heart of development projects implemented for the benefit of the region and the country supporting the SME sector. The undertakings in which the Cluster is involved are innovative and ecological, meeting the real needs of the market. Mazovia CICT consists of almost 300 companies of which 90% are SMEs. Currently, 9 research institutes and 6 universities operate within the Cluster. The goal is to initiate research and development projects which increase the innovative potential of the members. By integrating enterprises, research units, NGOs, business support institutions or investors, MCICT is able to analyze and draw accurate conclusions. Mazovia Cluster ICT, in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Development, supported by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, obtained the status of the Key National Cluster, as one of the first seven in Poland, currently the only one in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.
MetaIndustry4 was formally established in 2016 as a new cluster concept with a multidisciplinary model, in line with the research and innovation strategy for smart specialization of Asturias (S3) and oriented mainly to companies and global value chains related to advanced manufacturing, metal industry, etc. The cluster consists of partners from different areas of the sectoral ecosystem: metal industry, scientific-technological, logistic and institutional agents, ICT enablers and other business agents related to the sectoral value chain or its priorities as a cluster.
Moravian Aviation Cluster, z.s. (MLK) was founded in 2010 and is an association of aviation companies and educational institutions connected by a common interest in developing a competitive aviation industry. The cluster operates in the region of south-eastern Moravia and the center of its activity is concentrated in Kunovice, where its important members operate: the companies 5M, Aircraft Industries and Evektor. The cluster consists of 62 industrial companies, technical universities and business entities.
This is an international cluster organization based in Sweden. The cluster’s area of interest is the packaging industry and its network stakeholders, customers, suppliers, researchers and innovators. The cluster supports cooperation with industry, academia, research and the commercial sphere, utilization of innovative potential and increasing competitiveness among its members. In addition to this, they are also committed to developing contacts across the world. It also organizes international seminars, conferences, as well as summits and research forums for its members, at which research activities in packaging materials are presented.
Belgium. This business cluster primarily operates in plastics (polymers and biopolymers, rubber, synthetic textiles, etc.) in order to promote economic, technological and commercial activities and cooperation among its members within the value chain and cluster networks. The cluster predominantly focuses on developing products and solutions with high added value. Activities include business development, improving processes, implementation of projects in the areas of research, innovation, industrialization, etc.
ARR – Regional Development Agency spol. s.r.o. was established on 1 April 1993. It was founded with the aim of providing technical and expert assistance in the preparation and implementation of the municipal association of towns and villages projects of the Euroregion Nisa. With our activities, we thus fulfill the role of a service organization of the Liberec Region. We focus all our activities on the benefit of the region, its inhabitants, economic entities and institutions.
SECARTYS (STS) is a Spanish trade association founded in 1968. It represents more than 1,200 companies, including integrated direct partners and other associations. It currently cooperates with more than 400 companies from all over Spain and operates as a cluster network comprising 3 cluster organizations (Domotys, Solartys and Cicat).
The scientific-technological cluster organization is located in the Czech Republic, on the southern outskirts of Prague, where it produces comprehensive support for developing the territory in order to apply knowledge from research and development in the industry to increase competitiveness and innovativeness of companies. Activities primarily focus on supporting sectoral specialization, whereby the cluster is mostly involved in biomedicine, biotechnology, material science, optics, laser technologies, as well as support from public institutions, education of members, cooperation between sectors, innovation and emerging companies, the development of infrastructures for enterprises and concentrating on scientific and research institutions.
This is a research organization bringing together the selected workplaces of the Academy of Sciences (Institute of Physics, Microbiology, Institute of Chemical Processes, Institute of Plasma Physics, Institute of Molecular Genetics) and the Technology Management company. Its activities are focused on research in science, technology and innovation. They are particularly interested in promoting involvement of the Czech Republic in the European research area preparing analytical and conceptual studies for research and innovation, implementation of international technology transfer and activities to increase the number of small innovative companies and their competitiveness.
The Czech-Cape Verdean Chamber of Commerce (ČKOK) is an organization whose activities are governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. This organization was founded in May 2020 based on the initiative of Mrs. Mónica Sofia Duarte, founder and president of the Endowment Fund of Hope Cabo Verde. The Czech-Cape Verdean Chamber of Commerce is based in Prague and cooperates with the Cape Verdean government, mainly through its Cape Verdean counterparts, i.e. the Barlavento and Sotavento Islands Chambers of Commerce.
In addition to other activities, the Liberec region is very specifically focused on supporting the sustainability, competitiveness and innovation of regional companies, and adapts its strategic
activities and support programs. In this context, for example, the Regional Development Agency, the business incubator and the VaVai regional council, in which the Nanoprogress cluster and its members (VÚTS, a.s., TUL, Biom 3D tech, s.r.o.) have representatives and which actively contribute to the development of regional innovations, also operate in this context and their introduction into industrial practice.
The National Cluster Association is committed to long-term and sustainable development of cluster initiatives and cluster policy in the Czech Republic and internationalization support in order to increase the Czech Republic's competitiveness through knowledge, experience and expertise. The association contributes to more efficient management and cluster development, better usage of capital and innovation potential, development of key and emerging technologies and cross-border activities. It brings together the most active and innovative clusters operating in a range of industries across the Czech Republic.
The Regional Development Agency of the Pardubice Region (RRA PK) is an interest association of legal entities that has been supporting the development of the Pardubice Region since 1999. The task of RRA PK is to represent the interests of local administration in regional institutions, to coordinate problems related to the development of cities and municipalities, and to cooperate with central state authorities and regional administration.
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic was established for centralized support and development of research, experimental development and innovation (RDI) at the state level. Its activities primarily center on preparing and implementing R&D programs, evaluating and selecting project proposals, monitoring of performance of these projects, agreements and decisions and gaining targeted support, reviewing implementation of project objectives and results, providing assistance to project managers in the areas of law and financial advisory services, and intellectual property protection, as well as cooperation between the private sector and research organizations.
This is a research institute at the Czech Technical University in Prague, which brings together leading academics from the building, machinery, electronic information sciences, biomedical engineering for full cooperation in the domain of sustainable buildings. This activity is consistent with the priorities of the European Union, respectively with the program of the European Commission Horizon 2020, which is just one pillar of energy efficient buildings. In this context, the institute also strives to implement selected European projects. Business centers are mainly associated with renewable energy, smart networks, materials for renovation and intelligent buildings.
The university is one of the oldest universities in the world and a leading academic center and a self-governing community of scholars. Its reputation for academic excellence is recognized worldwide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students as well as the world-class original research carried out by its staff
The Center for Nanotechnology (CNT) of VŠB is part of the university institute of the Energy Center and of Environmental Technologies (CEET). It provides bachelor's, subsequent master's and doctoral study program in Nanotechnology in Czech and English. The part of the education is, of course, the involvement of students in solving projects and practical requirements of industrial enterprises. The main research directions of the Nanotechnology Center include the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and their composites, application of nanotechnology and advanced materials and their environmental safety, nanophysics magneto-optics, plasmonics and spintronics and molecular modeling and simulation. Center has one of the most modern equipment, cooperates with domestic and foreign industry universities and institutes. It offers the services of an accredited laboratory according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.
ZINNAE is a cluster organization based in Spain. The cluster creates favorable conditions for cooperation between the private and public sectors, technology centers and community organizations to create knowledge and support innovation in the fields of water management and water energy (e.g. in industry and agriculture). The cluster includes private and public entities involved in urban water management, particularly in the region of Aragon. Cooperation also takes place with certain other entities involved in the water value chain in the urban areas of the Ebro river basin.