Provider: EU
Blue and Eco industries cluster exchange for induStrial modernisation
The main goals of the project are the implementation of a pilot scheme for exchange stays of SMEs and innovation actors at the European level in order to develop business and research opportunities and build a strategic cluster partnership. The Blue and Green Industry Cluster Exchange for Global Modernization (BLUES), which aims to strengthen the management of cluster excellence and facilitate European partnerships between blue and green industry clusters and their high-quality services in order to increase the competitiveness of SMEs and increase their international opportunities in a single market and beyond, via benchmarking, lifelong learning, transfer and exchange of verified methods. BLUES clusters include a combination of capacities, technologies and solutions of advanced clusters that represent new developing industries in Europe associated with blue growth and eco-industry. The cluster partners themselves represent up to 464 entities (SMEs and scale-up organizations) and offer high-quality services such as implementation of innovations, RTD management, internationalization, productivity and industrial competence and training programs.
BLUES was united to support collectively the competitiveness of the cluster community (especially SMEs) and use water sustainability and the green economy as a common thread. The partnership is therefore based on interregional and intersectoral cooperation between water resources and technologies for all types of water users - industrial, urban, agricultural (Aqua Valley - France; ZINNAE - Spain) and key supporting technologies - KETs such as plasma technology (BNPT - Germany ), nanotechnology (Nanoprogress - Czech Republic) and ICT (MCICT - Poland). The cooperation between these sectors strives for accelerating, development and management of a new energy efficient European industry enabling the transition to a sustainable Europe by 2030.